#Nook Romance Daily Find & #Giveaway!

So I'm working on some huge promo for LIE IN THE MOMENT. The miracle book that I managed to finish even with a 4 month old. I vaguely remember writing it...lol. At any rate, I'm running some advertising and also a giveaway starting in January. So celebrate the new year right and be on the lookout for LIE IN THE MOMENT! The giveaway includes a $150 Amazon gift card or a gift card to the bookstore of your choice! 

And in even better news, the first book in my Romance Suspense series, Mistresses of Fate, will be promoted at a discounted price for 1 day @ Barnes and Noble: Strings of Fate.

Just a $0.99! Whoo hoo! So get it on the 9th. 
